Thursday, June 3, 2010

True Blood: What a laugh!

If you have been around the planet in the last year or two you've realized the population's obsession with vampires. It's translated into teen-cult books and movies (which I hear are not so good) and quite a few TV shows on the subject. A higher calibur of production and acting is involved with these shows, including a personal favorite, True Blood.

Now, by the phrase "what a laugh!" I mean it is actually quite funny... once you get past all the blood and sex and drugs and drama. I have heard a few people mention that if you were to add a laugh track to the show you would swear it was written as a comedy. It probably has to do with the clever writing of creator Alan Ball - what a guy :)

I watched season one the other week and found myself chuckling to the one liners Sookie slings at Eric, and laughing out loud at the beautiful but dim-witted Jason's remarks on anything, and enjoying the idea of the vampires' appreciation of a good pun. In fact, I found it a bit disturbing how much I was laughing considering the theme of the show and the amount of violence and gratuitious naked bodies (it is, afterall, HBO).

Now, since I do not have the abilities to be as clever with a computer as a good number of the rest of the world, I have provided you a little clip to reveal this comedic stylings of True Blood. If I remember correctly, someone took scenes from the show, renaming it "At Merlotte's" (because funny things happen on shows with a title like that):

Credit where credit is due, the true comedienne of all things vampire is none other than Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with major assistance from the Scooby Gang. Seven seasons of creative genius, I'd say.

Side note: if anyone from the show by chance reads this, I would like to recommend a doughnut shop to you. Why a doughnut shop? It's all in the name: Voodoo Doughnuts. Located in beautiful Portland, Ore., Voodoo features some of the most original and delicious doughnuts you've ever seen and tasted. Considering the topic of the show and the theme of the shop, it's a match made in heaven. Just the other day a woman boarded a flight with that distinct pink box, wrapped with string, official voodoo man and doughnut logo stamped on top, informing me that its contents may not make it home... I wouldn't blame her.

For that matter, anyone who would like a delicious snack/meal/dessert - enjoy the VooDoo that they do. I recommend the Captain My Captain doughnut, which - you guessed it - is topped in the cereal of the same name. There are other classics such as the Bacon Maple Bar; the classic Voodoo Doughnut, complete with pretzel stake to the jam filled heart; Tex-Ass doughnut, which if completed in less than 80 seconds is free (it's quite large); and many more, even some that are brand new. Check out the webiste for some other delicious ideas:

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