Sunday, July 4, 2010

How do you find a spider?

I have been subjected to pure torture this last week: bug bites. Now, I'm pretty sure there is a spider inflicting this cruelty, but I suppose it could some insect doing it as well. It's hard to identify the source when you never see it!

And these are itchy bites. I spend my day trying to not scratch, but alas I am unsuccessful. Have you ever had really itchy bug bites? It's misery. And you know you shouldn't scratch but it feels so damn good when you do! It's a little sick how good it feels to scratch them.

I have decided to spend the majority of today cleaning and hunting said creature of misery. I don't know where it is, or if it is even in the house at the moment. I cannot go on getting bit in the middle of the night like this. All of the bites are on my legs, and the total count increased last night from seven to eight. Seriously? Why bite me another time? Haven't you had enough of my blood or whatever it is you are trying to get from me? Perhaps this creature only bites people as a cruel joke and then watches as they suffer from the incessant itching.

I really hope I find this spider or bug. I plan on getting great satisfaction from killing it. And I'm not usually a violent person, but this means war.

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